Research and Projects

Git Repositories

Some parts of my PhD research is accessible through these repositories:

How Did I Get Here? A Short Story.

I have a BSc degree in Electronics from Mazandaran University (Iran, 2010). For that degree A. Jaloo and I delivered a thesis project on Implementation of Soft-Viterbi Decoder on FPGA (VHDl), under the supervision of Dr. M. Zahabi. My Msc degree is in Robotics from École centrale de Nantes (France, 2012). I carried our the research for the thesis project (Object Recognition From 3D Points Cloud), under the supervision of Dr. P. Lucidarme, as a part of Cart-O-Matic team in Angers, France. I joind Cart-O-Matic in its last year of competing in the French robotics contest Défi CAROTTE, organized by the General Delegation for Armaments (Direction Générale de l’Armement, DGA) and French National Research Agency (l’Agence Nationale de la Recherche, ANR). In 2012, I joined the School of Information Technology at Halmstad University, Sweden, as a PhD candidate and finished my PhD (defense in June 2018) with the Center for Applied Intelligent Systems Research (CAISR). Through my PhD, I have been partly involved in the Automatic Inventory and Mapping of Stock project (AIMS, video). My licentiate dissertation, titled Semantic Mapping in Warehouses, was a part of AIMS project. For my PhD thesis, I worked on Interpretation and Alignment of 2D Indoor Maps, which encompassed topics in computer vision, machine learning and robot mapping.